Project Description
Partnering On Next Generation Technology
National manufacturer of refrigeration-based dehumidifiers had secured the contract to provide on-board air systems for the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA). The control panels The Industrial Controls Company created for this challenging installation would be required to perform under routine conditions of severe shock and vibration.
To meet the strict quality standards set by SCRRA, our team set up an in-house testing protocol audited and approved by the transport authority. We provided test results as well as satisfying SCRRA’s First Article Inspection (FIA) requirements.
A further challenge arose when the original 1-year timeframe was reduced to just 3 months. To clear this added hurdle, ICC created a cell-based, continuous manufacturing process which allowed us to complete the required 6,000 manufacturing hours inside a 3-month window. In the end, we hit all our marks, delivering results on-time and on-budget.