Custom Control Panels
One Is Never Too Much – The Key is Lean Manufacturing
The Industrial Controls Company’s flexible, cell-based fabrication and assembly processes allow us to easily accommodate your one-of-a-kind project without the high overhead expense associated with rigid, “batch” manufacturing.
The adaptability of our Lean Manufacturing approach creates efficiencies and savings we pass along to our customers. It’s a system especially well-suited to highly individualized one-off controls. We are also qualified to build & self-certify for UL and many other major standards, saving you the time and trouble of third-party certification.
Hands-on Attention, Industrial-Strength Expertise
If you come to us with a control panel design of your own, you’ll still profit by our perspective as engineers. We’ll review your schematics from the standpoint of compliance, cost-mitigation, manufacturing efficiency and overall design, then share with you any recommendations.
While your control panel may be one-of-a-kind, the project management we provide is strictly industrial-grade. A certified project manager rides herd on your project, tracking any cost and schedule variances, making process adjustments as needed and making sure to keep you in the loop the entire time.
Our Experience is Your Assurance of Quality
The Industrial Controls Company is where your one-of-a-kind custom control panel can benefit from experience gained over decades of building custom control panels by the hundreds for some of the biggest names in industry.
Because everything we’ve learned goes into everything we build.