Today, we were fortunate to celebrate the retirement of “Master Tinkerer,” Gary, a wiring and assembly man for our company. Gary has been a part of the ICC family for nearly 7 and a half years, always taking meticulous notes and ensuring a smooth operation on the shop floor.

Gary’s reputation as “kindest man in the world” will remain his ICC legacy. He shares common experiences with his co-workers, tells jokes, and always greets us with excitement. He possesses a distinct ability to relate to everyone he interacts with. His kindness and positivity are contagious.

Retiring at the end of the year, Gary is looking forward to continuing volunteer work in his church community and repairing pipe organs, a hobby of his. Never the stranger, he also hopes to stop by ICC and visit his work family on occasion. He will be missed by everyone here. We wish to congratulate him on a happy career and wish him a retirement filled with happiness and relaxation!